Monday, August 14, 2006

Microsoft blog tool goes into beta ... HP announces support for Debian Linux ... Hackers hunting for unpatched Microsoft computers

Today's IT news audio update
HP backs Debian Linux ... IBM porting Sametime IM to Linux ... Microsoft opens games development to all comers


News: Microsoft blog tool goes into beta
News: Dell offers refund to unhappy Chinese customers
News: Hackers hunting for unpatched Microsoft computers
News: HP announces support for Debian Linux
News: Microsoft allows anyone to create XBox games
News: Nasdaq threatens to de-list Apple over late returns
News: Lenovo booted from Hong Kong's main stock index
Feature: After 25 years, PC struggles with new challenges
ITwhirled: Hoboken vs. the robot
Careers: Top 5 resume tips - #4 Your resume is not a confessional


Microsoft blog tool goes into beta
A new desktop application from Microsoft Corp., now in beta, lets bloggers see the look of a blog posting before uploading it online.

Dell offers refund to unhappy Chinese customers
When a group of Chinese customers complained in June that their new Dell Inc. laptops did not ship with the right processor, they vented their displeasure publicly and began plans to bring a lawsuit against the company.

Hackers hunting for unpatched Microsoft computers
Hackers are actively using exploit code to target a flaw in Microsoft Corp.'s software that generated a special warning from the U.S. government last week.

HP announces support for Debian Linux
Hewlett-Packard Co. is throwing its support behind the Debian Linux distribution, the first major hardware maker to align itself with the noncommercial community-based Linux offering.

Microsoft allows anyone to create XBox games
A new game development platform from Microsoft Corp. allows anyone to create games for its Xbox 360 console, the company said on Monday.

Nasdaq threatens to de-list Apple over late returns
Apple is being threatened with having its stock de-listed by the Nasdaq index as a result of its late filing of regulatory documents following the company's discovery of "irregularities" regarding stock option grants to senior executives going back to September 2000.

Lenovo booted from Hong Kong's main stock index
Lenovo Group Ltd. hasn't had an easy time since its takeover of IBM Corp.'s PC division, and its removal from the main index of the Hong Kong stock exchange is just the most recent sign of trouble for the company.

After 25 years, PC struggles with new challenges
Twenty-five years ago this week, IBM Corp. began selling its version of a new business tool called the PC, ushering in a new era of personal computing.


Hoboken vs. the robot

No, it's not rampaging through the streets and shooting laser beams out of its eyeballs; it just held some cars hostage for a few days. When the city of Hoboken got into a contract dispute with the owners of a robotic parking garage, it quickly discovered that without the company's help, the garage mechanism was inoperable.


Top 5 resume tips - #4 Your resume is not a confessional

Susan Ireland, resume expert and author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Resume and Ready-Made Resumes Software, offers advice on creating the perfect resume, and how to market yourself into that next great job!

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